Thursday, March 28, 2013

Of Star Wars and Government

 For extra effect while reading this post: Imperial March

"Why don't all the Sith and Jedi move to some planet nobody's ever heard of and slug it out in private, and leave the rest of the galaxy in peace?"
A quote from one of my favorite Star Wars related novels, you know, the same could be said about Republicans and Democrats really....
Another quote from the same book also struck me as a bit interesting in light of all the crap going on with our government.
"Empires are doomed from day one. Whatever happens, however well they start out- they get too big and go rotten. They all fall."
Every now and them I amuse myself with drawing out the political parallels of our current government situation (the last 5-6 years) and the situations displayed in the Star Wars universe.
Things start out there with a simple sneaky/conniving senator tricking his way into the role of supreme leader.
Here, things start out about the same, a nearly unheard of Senator is suddenly the most popular guy in the country, and with dozens of clever disguised lies, he worms his way into leadership. Totally inexperienced.
Things there are fairly peaceful for the first term or so, laws are quietly changed in the background, and sneaky stuff is going on that nobody knows about.
And the same goes for here. One day nothing, the next, we're being forced to take this healthcare.
There, suddenly, towards the last year or so, conflict suddenly breaks out, people are duped into thinking they need to keep the same leader that they have had the last few years, blindly going along with his false ideas.
Here, a near identical situation.
There, things suddenly start changing, people vote more and more power to this guy, thinking he's a saint and will take care of them all. Meanwhile, the government is slowly going broke (yes, true story. I've read in depth, not only into real world politics, but the ones in other galaxies.. what can I say, I find the topic interesting...)
Here, the president continues to use "special powers" to get what he wants authorized, without running it by the people.
There, people are complaint, following blinding after their wonderful saint of a leader, oblivious to what is going on the background. Those who do notice, are quietly silenced and snuffed out, classified as criminals and such.
Here, things are well on their way in that direction, heroes become "monsters", killers", "enemies", and generally just "insane" people that don't know anything. The government is feeding the masses lies that they will keep you safe from all the bad things in the world, you only need to give them more power and you less freedom.
There, good is finally all but killed off, slaughtered in the night or driven deep into exile. Nobody says a word as the democracy suddenly morphs into an Empire and freedom is all but taken away. Yet the people go along with it, because they are blind.
Here, well, we're not quite yet to the massive "Empire" part yet, but see how close we've come?
Funny thing is, this story, that so parallels our own government, was written way before these events...It's like the president read Palpatine's personal works on "How to trick the ignorant masses" or maybe "Start and Empire 101". 
Step one: dupe all the sheep.
Step two: fool even the good people for a while.
Step three: take more and more power in little bits at a time.
Step five: and when things are all set, execute Order 66. Kill all the good off.

Friday, March 22, 2013


So today I'm thinking of maybe going out to gather up a few supplies to make my hand designed 'Rogue Jedi' costume a bit more of a reality. I once made a simple version of it, but I've since outgrown it and the design has gotten so much better. My goal is to one day complete the whole thing and have it displayed in my room, along with the rest of my little Star Wars collection.
I also need to make my lightsaber hilt as featured in the Blog header. I designed it a long time ago, not a whole lots has changed about it, unlike my attire. anybody else ever built a realistic lightsaber hilt? Got any tips to share?
So the parts I plan on picking up today consist of a thick, durable sort of synthetic leather material. This is for the back covering and sash part of the costume. The bodysuit and cloth parts will be easy and fairly inexpensive to buy/make. Also I need to figure out how to make a good belt as well....
 I'm wary of the armor part. Without the support of anyone besides myself around here, making armor plates is going to be very hard. I could really use my dad's help, but even if he did have the time for it, he'd never help me with it.
The armor parts are both trooper and Mando designs. Two short bracers for the forarms, made of silver metal alloy, along with the torso plates, then two upper arm cuffs of white trooper plastoid armor.

Here's sort of a rough, lousy quality sketch of the under armor and cloth parts:
For the black bodysuit I'm planning on saving up a bit of extra for this: bodysuit. It's perfect for what I need. I already have the boots saved. as far as hair style and other accessories, already set there. So I've got that covered. It'll be a while, but I can't wait to see it done.


So I'm heading out now. I told my mom what I was up to and she's borderline on it. She doesn't mind so much that I want to see my design come to life....It's just...The design that throws her. Her little girl loves Star Wars. She's never liked it one bit.... I'm not even gonna tell my dad because he'll have a conniption and probably refuse to let it happen. I've already been told countless times I'll be 'disowned' if I dress up and go hang out with 'weirdos' at some convention. Now it's not really my thing anyways since I'm a nervous wreck in crowds of people. But I happen to know a few of these 'weirdos'. They are nice people who generally dress up and go to help some charity. That I would not mind one bit. But of course, we don't have anything so awesome around here and All the people I know would never put up with it. They all to busy be normal not 'losers'...
*sigh* why is being a Star Wars loving girl such a crime to the people I love?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Blog _ First Post

Hello all! Welcome to my shiny new blog. This one is dedicated to my love of Star Wars (especially the clones...) You'll be seeing a lot of art here, as well as photos of my small, yet growing, collection of Star Wars memorabilia. I hope to keep you all entertained throughout the months and we'll see where everything goes from here.
The picture featured at the top is both a traditional pen sketch, as well as a photograph, then digital effects mixed in! Pretty fancy huh? It was loads of fun to make I'll tell you that.